Your go-to resource for how to live your best and healthiest life.
your guide to summer produce safety
MedExpress helps you learn more about getting the most of summer produce and how improper care may impact you.
goodbye, UTI: practical prevention tips
Say goodbye to urinary tract infections with these UTI prevention tips.
the science of sunburn
MedExpress helps you learn more about the sun, its painful burns, and how to keep your skin healthy and protected.
avoid becoming sick on vacation
You're busy planning, packing, and prepping - and you don't have time to become ill while you're away. We're sharing 6 ways to avoid becoming sick on vacation.
everything you need to know about sports physicals
Dust off your folding chairs, clean out your water bottles, and brush up on these frequently asked questions about sports physicals from MedExpress.
the tick life cycle
Summer is a time for adventure – not only for you and your family, but for ticks, too! Learn more about their life cycle so you know when, where, and how to prepare.
most common reasons to visit an urgent care
What are the most common urgent care diagnoses? MedExpress shares some of the top illnesses and injuries.
5 DIY bug bite remedies
When is a bug bite serious enough to seek medical treatment? And when can it be treated at home? MedExpress shares the inside buzz to help answer your questions.
beginner's guide to marathon training
Get up and running for your next big race with this beginner’s guide to safe marathon training from MedExpress.